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About SAFE (Serving Asian Families Endangered)


You, coming to this page, indicate your interest in keeping at-risk children SAFE. We want to say thank you!

SAFE emerged after connecting with Christian households who were doing what they could to keep children out of poverty and human trafficking.Through these households, children who would've been on the streets were given a home. Parents who would have sold their children into sex slavery were given an alternative option.

Children who would have had no opportunity for education, full stomachs, and knowing Jesus have now been given a bright future

After spending four years living in Thailand, it didn’t take long for Loren Miller to see the massive needs that these homes have in SE Asia. Upon returning to the United States, SAFE was organized and received the proper tax status needed to become a non-profit.

Because of this, you can now serve as the link ]to impact these homes and children directly.

